Bec Joy Prints


Say hi to Becca!

About Bec Joy Prints

Becca Hovey is an artist whose main medium is printmaking. Her blockprints reflect her love of the natural world. Works include prints on paper, textiles, and thrifted clothing.

When did you first get started?

I was introduced to relief printmaking, or blockprinting, by a friend in 2017 while living in my hometown of San Diego, CA. I never looked back!

What inspired you to start your business?

My hands are always itching to be busy with an art project and selling my art funds that need! I love selling art and interacting with customer who connect with the themes in my work. Selling art has been a great way to find a community within art.

What is your favorite thing to make/produce?

It is a lot of fun to source thrifted items and print on them! I love producing those goods as well as multi-layer art prints; the process of registering prints so the layer line up is very satisfying.

Where are you from/where did you grow up?

I grew up in San Diego, CA and had lived exclusively on the west coast until moving to Galveston in 2020.

Share a fun fact about yourself you'd like your customers to know!

I'm a huge fan of dogs and have adopted two from Galveston Island Humane Society! (Cats are cool, too, but my partner is wildly allergic.)

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