Jolly Farms


Say hi to Jill & Kevin!

About Jolly Farms

We raise meat bird chickens. They are pasture raised, non GMO fed, and are delicious! We sell whole birds and all types of parts. And even dehydrated chicken parts for dogs! They are hormone, antibiotic free, and raised on our family farm. We get the chicks when they are one day old, and bring them to our farm, and they live a natural chicken life. They are processed and inspected in a state facility where they are processed by hand , and only fresh running water is used during that process. The most humane way possible is used in processing the chickens. Thus all these natural things make our chickens truly the best. Once you eat one of our chickens, you will know the difference immediately. Delicious and so very healthy. They are truly all natural chickens.

When did you first get started?

My son and I started this endeavor in 2014, just to have healthy chickens for our family. But that soon grew to our friends, and over the years to so many satisfied customers. We have increased our flock several times over the years to keep up with the demand. But even with all our growth, we are still a family farm....just so much more efficient raising chickens. We have not wavered from our principles of raising all natural chickens all these years.

What inspired you to start your business?

Since we had some land, we just decided to see if we could raise chickens....and we could!

What is your favorite thing to make/produce?

For the first several years, we only sold whole chickens. But we finally did begin selling the parts as so many customers wanted them. It is wonderful to be able to offer all chicken parts, so more people are able to get our healthy chickens on a smaller scale to fit their lifestyle.

Where are you from/where did you grow up?

I was born and raised - and raised my two sons - in Pasadena. After they grew up, I moved to Alvin and bought some land. Very soon thereafter, they both moved to Alvin also. They both still live here, along with my three grandsons. What more could a mother ask for?

Share a fun fact about yourself you'd like your customers to know!

I am an animal lover, and have rescued so many pets over my lifetime. Although I was raised in the city, I love farm life. I love being on the farm with our array of animals, and love coming home to all my rescued dogs and cats. Living in a small town has been wonderful.

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