Fresh Continental Delights


Say hi to Akbar!

About Fresh Continental Delights

Fresh Continental Delights is one of our very favorite long-time vendors. They provide fresh and super flavorful dishes that are a great way to add a little culture to your dining experience! These mouth-watering meals are the perfect introduction to traditional Indian cuisine. ⁠

Offering a variety of dishes, from Hummus, to Chicken Tika Masala to Garlic Naan, and a wide selection of vegetarian options, there is something for everyone!⁠

When did you first get started?

August 2017

What inspired you to start your business?

I was retiring and needed to start a small side business to keep myself occupied and have a purpose.

What is your favorite thing to make/produce?

I love making vegan and vegetarian dishes we have on our menu. It’s full of flavor and nutrients.

Where are you from/where did you grow up?

Karachi, Pakistan.

Share a fun fact about yourself you'd like your customers to know!

I started a business after retirement and 70 years old now. I have never thought about owning or operating a business in my adult life but this gives me purpose and keeps me motivated.

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